Ensuring your Business's
Sales Growth and Future
Accurate, reliable data access accross the whole company.
You need LEADS CRM for building lasting customer relationships to profit from in the long term!
Fuel your company with the CRM that works. LEADS.
We are very excited to announce our newly enhanced Customer Relationship Manager (or CRM) and Sales Growth Tool – LEADS Version 5.0.
Our classic Sales Prospecting and CRM system has been fully reworked and enhanced!
You can trial LEADS 5.0 right now, for free! No obligations.
FREE! LEADS now has a free edition for small businesses or those wanting to trial LEADS without commitment.
Your Leads Online or Offline,
Transparent Pricing
Pricing plans start at $0.00/user/month.
No additional surprise costs.
Cancel or switch plans anytime. No termination fees.
Flexible contracts with 3 monthly or larger custom options.
Quick Info
Because Time is Money
LEADS is a powerful Business to Business Sales Growth tool and Contact Manager for use on Your Desktop PC, Laptop, or Windows Tablet.
WHO - needs LEADS?
Sales Staff in the Office and in the Field all need LEADS, to store and manage their Business Sales Funnel and Contacts and Grow Your Sales.
Prioritise and target Customers and view rich data analysis of Your Clients, Leads, Targets and Suspects or Prospects.
WHY - should we use LEADS?
To Grow your Sales
Improve your Customer Management for a better Customer experience
Increase your productivity and efficiency
Examine your Sales Teams efforts.
Sell more and stay better informed about your Clients
Improves your Customer relationships while preventing accidential overlap by your Sales Team.
LEADS is EASY to use and intuitive!
No dedicated Staff are needed to set up, run or maintain LEADS.
WHERE - can we use LEADS?
LEADS can be used anywhere and any time on your Windows Desktop, Laptop or Tablet.
No internet connection is required! Later when connected, you can Sync your data with your Sales Team (LEADS Pro version).
HOW - can I get LEADS for our Business and the Sales Team?
Easy, it's free to Download LEADS NOW!

New Features in LEADS 5
Newsletters now provide user feedback which can be analysed via the New Newsletters Stats screen.
New Graphs provide informative visual insights on many aspects of your Customers and Sales progress.
New Activity graphs display your interactions with your Leads.
New Edition hopping. Easily upgrade or downgrade your LEADS edition from within the LEADS Application.
View an online map of your Customers address.
Create Outlook Tasks directly from within LEADS.
Campaigns in LEADS Pro now include additional Lead filters.
New Campaign Search feature (LEADS Pro).
Export Your Data to text files or directly to an Excel spreadsheet.
Easily Import your Existing Leads and Customers from an Excel spreadsheet -Sample included free with LEADS.
New Ribbon Buttons for quick access to your Leads and Clients information.
Login with Your Email Address or trusted Microsoft Account.

Upgraded Features
Dashboard overhaul. Compare this months figures to lasts or this first quarter vs last years first quarter etc.
Campaign overhaul (LEADS Pro). A cleaner and easier interface.
Sync Engine overhaul (LEADS Pro), streamlined for performance and security.
Search Tools now have a new cleaner look and feel and are easier to use.

What does LEADS do for Me?
Structures your Leads
LEADS manages Your “Sales Funnel” to help you grow Your Business and gain new Customers and increase Sales.
Retains Valuable data and insights
Use LEADS to identify, track and manage your relationships with existing Customers and Contacts as well as Potential Customers.

Gets your community to work for you
Avoid making those dreaded cold-calls! Instead be referred to potential Customers by your close associates or centers of influence!
Learns what your audience is interested in
Collects data from your Leads automatically by attaching tracking information to Newsletters sent via LEADS.

How LEADS Works
Sick of making hundreds of cold calls resulting in hang-ups, depression and single digit percentage follow ups? LEADS is different.
LEADS Works for you to prioritise and target Your Valuable Time, by;
- Creating a list of "Suspects" or prospects - Companies or individuals that may potentially have a need for your product or service.
Pursue referrals to these "Suspects" via your inner circle of Associates or "Centres of Influence" (COIs).
Someone you know must surely know one of your suspects and can refer your business to them. We all know that a close colleague recommendation or referral is highly valuable
and can achieve much higher sales figures than cold calling could ever do!
LEADS tracks and manages your Suspect list and substantially automates the task of asking for referrals, freeing time for the actual sales appointments you gain. Additionally LEADS has a full Contact/Customer Activity tracking and reminder system built in. - Once a Referral is made to the Suspect, You Contact the "Suspect". By merely contacting the "Suspect" and gaining their details, we convert our "Suspect" to a "Lead". Here we set up a meeting to discuss the needs of the "Lead" and identify Sales opportunities.
- Develop a rapport with your "Lead" and communicate regularly, Creating Activities with reminders, for you to follow up emails / phone calls / site visits etc. This helps to keep You and Your Business fresh in the "Leads" mind and helps to block out competition.
- Convert your Lead to a Customer by persuading your Lead with a great Sales Pitch, lucrative deal, quality service or products (sorry, but this bit is up to You!) Should you not succeed initially, there is always potential for a sale in the future. Be sure to remind them of your services regularly and set up repeat follow up communications (LEADS will help with this bit).

LEADS Pro offers full enterprise wide sharing of Your LEADS data, plus remote operations with full synchronisation utilising the bullet-proof security and reliability of Microsoft Azure Cloud database.
When out on the road your Sales Team can use LEADS on their Windows laptops and tablets without need for internet connection or expensive Mobile Data and have full access to all Customers, Contacts and data, while allowing for edits and updates, that can later be synchronised and shared with everyone when back in the office or via any handy Wi-Fi or other Internet connection.
LEADS Pro Bonus Features
Full sharing and Cloud Synchronisation of Suspects, Leads, Customers and Company Data for all LEADS Pro users.
Robust and Detailed Campaign Creation and assignments.
Informative Campaign Reporting and Graphical Analysis.
Staff Account Preferences to individualise your LEADS Experience.
*New Statistics on Newsletter views and link-clicks to analyse and improve your ongoing Communications.

So What Is LEADS?
LEADS is a Contact and Customer Relationship Manager, designed to manage your existing Customers, Contacts and Potential Future Customers. LEADS keeps track of your communications with Business' and Organisations of interest. Now you can define Categories and Classify your individual Contacts / Customers and Leads as you wish, so you can mange your "Key Accounts" or target your "Potential New Sales."
Record Activities for each Contact / Customer or Lead and assign these to selected Staff for action, then track all incoming contact from these too. Set Due Dates and Completion Dates for later analysis of Staff performance. Produce Reports for your Activities, Customers and Staff-Lead-tracking.
The LEADS for Windows database is Uniquely Located on each computer it is installed on. This means that each install of LEADS has it's own data available anywhere, even when off-line. LEADS works as a standalone system for each user. If you need to share data with your Sales Team colleagues, you need to upgrade to LEADS Pro where each user can Synchronise their data with the Cloud data for your Business.
LEADS Pro Users gain the added benefit of being able to Synchronise information within your Company. At the press of a button your Companies LEADS Data will be Synced to the Cloud Database where it is shared to the rest of your Sales Team when they next Synchronise.
You'll be amazed at the time and effort saved, how quickly results are produced and the simplicity of managing your Customers and Leads while Growing Your Business!
Track Potential Customers
Did you notice a new Business while out recently? See the Logo of another on a van passing by? Simply add these names to LEADS "Suspects" list -Businesses that may become your new Clients or Customers.
Seek Referrals
LEADS will automate the sending of Referral Requests to your Close Associates or "Centres of Influence". A single click will automatically email all your "Centres of Influence" with your preconfigured message and a random (or selected) list of Suspects to whom you are seeking introductions - it couldn't be easier!
Never Again Miss a Promised Call
Talked to a Client or Customer and told them you will call back in 2 weeks, then FORGOTTON? Arghh! This makes you look very unprofessional and disorganised and worse, may even result in the loss of a Customer and their lifetime of revenue. LEADS will manage all your reminders -simply locate your Customer and add a new Activity to Phone them to complete the sale. Set the Due-Date and LEADS will prompt you that day to make the call! No answer? Make a note and reset the Due-Date to the next day or later. *NEW -Now LEADS can even copy your Activity to a new Task in Outlook, to remind you even when LEADS is not open!
Target Sales Opportunities for Your Staff
Run a search in LEADS by Customer Category for your selected Target Category -e.g. "Small Volume Customers" or "Key Account". For each Customer in the results list, add a new Activity and assign these to a selected Staff member to action. Set the Due Date and monitor their progress... Watch Your Sales GROW...
Create and Print Reports
You have 500 LEADS and want to know which ones have Activities Due right now! We have you covered. Preview and print Reports for you and your Staff, organised by Staff-Member and the most Urgent Activities, so you can easily track who requires attention first.
Send Automated, Personalised Newsletters

We all know you must stay in contact with your Customers and Contacts don't we? But it is so hard to manage, that few of us bother! Now LEADS makes sending your Newsletter painless! Simply type your newsletter in a normal Microsoft Word document, add images and hyper links if needed, then add a few simple merge fields for LEADS to replace with things like your Contacts Name and Company. Save, Point LEADS to it and hit Send. LEADS will Merge the document with the Client List and send each one a Personalised email using Outlook.
Will I need training? / Is it hard to use?
No! LEADS has been designed to be EASY, with a minimal learning curve and simplicity in mind. You will very quickly be proficient in it's use. Additionally LEADS features a modern "Fluent Ribbon" interface so you can quickly locate all the important functions.
Great, We need it!
Where do we get LEADS?
- LEAD Tracking Software, the solution to ensuring Your Business growth and stability.
The Download is Free. (Your ISP data charges may apply).
The LEADS application can be used straight away FREE with some limitations.
If you wish move beyond the free LEADS edition then monthly payments per User / Device are required and can be purchased from within the LEADS Application.
How Do I Install New Updates
Are they free?
Firstly - for the foreseable future updates to the LEADS for Windows solution will be FREE however the additional features that are potentially included in each update may be at an additional cost depending on their nature.
If you have LEADS installed already and you have an active internet connection then simply open the LEADS application and LEADS will prompt you to install
the latest version.
However if this is not the case and there is no prompt or LEADS is not installed then simply download the free Installer for the Latest Version of LEADS here.
Once downloaded, unzip and install.
If LEADS is already installed on your machine and you want the latest version of LEADS then simply download the new version and Install it. No need to un-install the previous version. LEADS will preserve your data and only install the new features.
Important Notice
Regarding Un-installing
Un-installing LEADS WILL remove your data stored within the LEADS database! We strongly recommend you copy or export your data file before un-installing LEADS.
More information
Read the LEADS Terms of use.
Contact us with your questions - We will attempt to reply to all...
System Requirements
OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1 / 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista.
Free Hard Drive Space: ~20MB
Microsoft Access 2010, 2013, 2016 or 2019 -full version or Free Runtime , (32 bit Access Only)
Note: Office 365 Professional versions already include Access.
(For 64 bit versions of LEADS please contact us for your personalised copy)
MS Word for Newsletter editing and Outlook for sending.