How does LEADS store Leads, Customers and Contact information?

We use this simple interface that you can see below. Almost all of the fields are optional, add as much or as little as you like!

Easy to use, clean interface for capturing your important Leads data for later reference.

This image above displays a single Leads contact information and all Activities allocated to them for your reference as well as a quick notes section for any important or vital information to see at a glance.

How do I know how well my sales pipeline is performing with LEADS?

Reports and Dashboard insights - Here we can dig into what makes your sales pipeline work and what's slowing you down!

Oversee your Company at a glance. Pinpoint any sales bottle neck and get real-time analytics.

Your leads need nurturing and timing is vital, leave it too long and they forget who you are and what you do. LEADS tracks your communication with every Lead allowing LEADS to order your contacts in a way that promotes healthy communication time frames and thus promoting business. Your Dashboard is a key tool in identifying potential for Sales and Growth.

Does LEADS have any Special Features?

LEADS is split into Solutions, each containing a new set of tools.

LEADS Prices are very competitive and new tools are being added all the time! But free is best and we know that, so we made sure to include a non obligatory free version of LEADS for your testing pleasure.

LEADS solutions can be changed in a matter of minutes, company wide, and if the features aren't to your liking simply change your solution back to what it was before. The only caviat is if you have added more than the maximum amount of Customers than the free solution allows. At this point LEADS won't let you downgrade to the free solution until some of your customers have been removed.

Can I load my contacts into LEADS in bulk?

Can I get my data out of LEADS easily?

LEADS is not here to trap you. We don't do nasty contract clauses. Cancel any time. No termination fees.

Your Data is yours. LEADS has built in tools for easy data loading and exporting - and we don't skimp on the details. If you want all of your data out then you can get ALL of your data out. If you want to load ten thousand new customers from a spreadsheet then LEADS can accommodate you.

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