LEADS is constantly undergoing alterations, updates, bug fixes and stability improvements and has a dedicated team of developers to push the limitations and try bold new concepts.
Here we list our recent changes and updates to the LEADS software for your understanding and reading pleasure.
- Fixed bug in the Sync Process for LEADS Pro so it can easily sync with Cloud database and make the data available to your team.
- Added two Custom fields in Customers/Leads screen and two in Activities screen. Configure these for your convenience in the Company Information screen where You can define their field names.
- Added QuickPaste functionality to sync. Now, you can effortlessly save and retrieve your commonly used phrases directly from the Edit QuickPaste feature.
- Fixed Tab order on Customer/Lead page.
- Set automatic Activity rating to 1 for unsubscribe events.
- Fixed bug in Newsletters and Dashboard when working Offline.
What Features do you want to see in LEADS?
New Features
Version 5.005.004
Enhanced Custom Password Security.
Updated login to significantly enhance the password Security, ready for use with OurLeads.net online cloud version of LEADS.
Version 5.004.160
Lead Copy.
Existing Leads can now be copied via a new ribbon button on the Lead screen.
Version 5.004.140
Hyperlink Tracker.
LEADS Pro Users can now track their hyperlink interactions by simply adding their link into the LEADS system and receiving a new Traced Link. The Traced Link can be used anywhere a standard hyperlink would be used but with the added benefit of counting click thoughs and recording interaction times. All recorded data is compiled and displayed using the latest MS Access Charts and data is filterable to display customised refined results giving you the power of insight.
Version 5.004.137
Uninterrupted Newsletter Runs.
Going forward, those users who are part way through a newsletter run who are interrupted by a new LEADS version download will now still be able to continue their existing Newsletter run without starting over.
Version 5.004.136
Newsletter Run - Show my Word Document during run.
Newsletter runs now allow the ability to choose if the Word document should be visible during the mail merge.
Version 5.004.132
Sync Conflicts now have faster resolution options.
You can now select Sync All most recent, Sync All Cloud Records or Sync All local records instead of manually selecting every record.
Version 5.004.130
Promo Codes.
LEADS now accepts Promo Codes for account benefits such as 1,2 or 3 free user months and direct account credit. Here is the first publicly available promo code for those who read this updates page - Limited to first 100 users.
Promo Code:get1formefor 1 free LEADS Basic user month.
Expires: 17 October 2020.
"+ New" Quick access ribbon controls.
Faster access to common controls now allow the user to add a new suspect or lead using a new stream lined approach. These new input screens filter the existing Suspects/Leads as you are entering your new contacts details to allow instant insight into your existing data.
New Suspect Request screen.
All suspect request components are now compiled into one easy to manage location. From here it's as easy as following the numbered steps and sending out your suspect requests using the Send Emails button. Suspect requests can now be tailored to the individual staff member and many request components can now be saved so you can select the type of request that best suits your COI audience.
Activity Comment History.
Activities now include a full editable comment history. Only you or a administrator can edit your activity notes and not other staff menmbers.
New Icon set.
A new collection of icons more vibrant and informative then the last has now been applied app wide. See these new icons on each applicable screen header and across the ribbon to allow for a seamless and more understandable transition between screens.
Newsletters Targeting Campaign Targets.
Newsletters can now target those Leads already targeted via an existing Campaign.
New Dashboard.
The Dashboard has had a 2020 makeover. Built originally for those users still clinging to the Access 2010 framework, the dashboard has been brought to life using the newly added Access graphs. A clean, informative and ultimately better experience. But for those who still want the Dashboard of old, we have included a button in the top right of the new dashboard to display how it once was.
Export Activity Notes.
The Export Data feature now includes Activity Notes which are now a stand alone entity to that of Activities.
New Customer Graphs.
Customers screen will display new graphs for those using Access 16 or higher. These include an Activity by results Graph and Activity Regularity Graph to allow a view of how regular your contact is with the Lead.
Quick Sync.
For LEADS Pro Users - all lookup screens now contain a sync now button to Sync changes to the lookup values immediately. This in turn also Syncs Leads as they may have had changes to their lookup values. (Lookups include: Cities, Suburbs, Industries, Found By, Activity Categories, Customer Categories)
Version 5.004.120
Password Reset.
Password Reset functionality via email confirmation.
Updated billing screen.
Billing screen overhaul. Now more streamlined and less clutter. Added 24 hour reprieve for those paying via Direct Debit as payments can take some time to process.
Version 5.004.115
A more powerful search tool.
Introducing Live Search! This new search tool sheds new light on data access allowing quick responsive data access which is directly editable. A LEADS Pro feature.
Version 5.004.003
Version specific web links.
LEADS will now take the user to the relevant web page for 32 Bit or 64 Bit versions when there is an update available.
Version 5.004.002
Better Logging.
New Log File for tracking LEADS loading operations.
Version 5.004.000
Newsletter Statistics.
A Newsletter run for LEADS Pro Users now has integrated Newsletter Tracking and insights. A Newsletter built from a Word Document and sent via the LEADS Newsletter screen will now be updated to include a unique tracking code as well as having all hyperlinks tracked within the document. This provides detailed feedback about the interaction your Leads have with your marketing material.
Version 5.003.138
Bulk Activity Deletion.
Activities can now be deleted in bulk from the customer screen by selecting the rows to delete then pressing delete on your keyboard.
Version 5.003.136
Interactive Reports
LEADS reports can now be viewed interactively. Allowing users to double click report rows which takes the user to the physical records.
Version 5.003.134
LEADS Dashboard now displays Leads and Targets within it's sales Funnel. Altered from Qualified and unqualified Leads.
Version 5.003.133
LEADS Installer is now code signed! The annoying Windows security prompts are still going to be there for a little while longer but you can now be absolutely sure when you install our software that you are receiving an exact copy of our unadulterated product.
Version 5.003.132
Installer now allows for the selection of an install path. This is to allow multiple installs of LEADS to the same computer under different windows login accounts.
Version 5.003.131
Activity Records can now be scrolled through using the mouse wheel if the 'Scroll' option is enabled in the activity screen.
Activities now display time until due or overdue.
Activities can now have a 'Result' which can be defined in a positive or negative fashion.
Added Microsoft Login capability.
Added Navigation feature in conjunction with a New 'Recent' list.
New User Profile Screen.
Added a Manual Selection tool for the Suspect Request Email routine.
Added New Account information section to the File area (BackStage).
Added Exists Check to any New Suspect that now checks for the existence of a Lead by the same name before inserting the new Suspect.
Split Activity Notes into individual items.
Added Activity Notes List to the Customer screen under the Tab Contact Notes.
Created New Login screen with a style that aligns itself with standard website login forms.
Added Postal Address fields to the Customer screen.
Added Postal Address fields to the Company Information screen.
Version 5.004.160
Dashboard Graphs that included date ranges were not displaying months on the axis where data was not present. This provided an unclear view of the data at a glance.
Search buttons on the ribbon have been rearranged.
Payment Screen now includes Payments and LEADS Usage information as well as a clear reading of the company balance.
Payment Screen also now includes full User and Device enablement functionality.
About Screen now includes Error Upload functionality.
New ProcessIT Logo has been included throughout LEADS.
Version 5.004.130
Campaigns have had a full work over. This was a much needed update creating a cleaner experience and a more intuitive flow. Campaigns are a power house allowing for mass activities to be produced targeting any group of your Leads to very fine detail.
The Activities screen has been modified removing clutter and non essential information. The Activities screen is the most used screen by far and thus should be the most user friendly.
Version 5.004.121
Activity to Outlook Task now creates an activity associated with the addition or update of an Outlook Task.
Version 5.004.120
Staff have been renamed as Team mates.
User Account has been renamed as Your Account.
Account has been renamed Billing.
Version 5.004.115
Customer screens had date fields within the activity subform that were longer than their box was wide. Causing #### effects. Fields were stretched larger to fix the issue
Version 5.004.014
Activities that are set to repeat are added to the database with unique times to aid the sync speed. Shaving 4 seconds off Activity Sync and 3 seconds from the Activity Notes Sync.
Version 5.004.012
Cleaned Progress Bar Code to be more efficient
Adjusted the Sync Screen Layout to a more natural feel.
Version 5.004.010
Activity delete buttons were green? Now changed back to orange.
Version 5.004.003
Sync Loading Bar style update.
New Installs of LEADS are now created with a more informative Welcome screen guiding the user and helping to alleviate some installation hurdles.
Activity Notes are now saved alongside a unique ID for more reliable Sync Control as some Note records are too similar to accurately distinguish them from each other.
LEADS Installer file now stores the SQL Driver installer file instead of removing it after the install has completed.
Login screen now accurately resets the password field for users signing into existing accounts for the first time on a new PC.
Log File now stores information pertaining to the existence of a server connection as well as an internet connection.
Version 5.004.002
Login screen validation text was too small and unnoticeable. Increased font size.
Sync Close button now reflects the new style of LEADS secondary buttons.
Some Campaign functions required additional security measures.
Version 5.003.137
Dashboard values representing Leads Count and Customer Count were not accurate enough due to some customers being later marked down as a lead once more.
The Search tool was also reflecting incorrect counts of Leads and Customers as above.
Version 5.003.135
The Edit User button found in the backstage has been removed as it caused crashes to occur due to its need to connect to the server whilst operating inside the ribbon controls allotted thread time frame.
Version 5.003.134
Sync routine was altered to accompany changes to database structure functions were reorganised for better performance.
Start routine required time consuming tasks to be moved to other places increasing load times.
Version 5.003.131
Removed some terms of use that are no longer relevant to the current version.
Added Default values for a standard Activity Search to Current user and All Due Activities.
Removed the Notes Section from the Customers screen under Activities.
Moved the User preferences to the New User Profile Screen.
Search screens have been redesigned, now displaying only vital search fields with a New 'More' option for other search fields.
Altered the Customer Screen to display Business Status and Newsletter Subscription Status in the left Status Bar.
Altered the layout of an Activity and now display Activity dates with leading 3 Character day (i.e. Mon, Tue. etc.).
Altered Sales Funnel replacing Qualified and Unqualified Leads with Leads and Targets as these are more in-line with current practices.
Newsletter Tool has been altered to display Key Filters on the hard left of the Filter as these are of higher importance.
Moved most Pro Features to their own Tab on the ribbon as the ribbon was becoming overcrowded.
Stability Improvements
Version 5.003.160
Improvement to the Payment and Account Status Process.
Version 5.003.136
Improvement to the error collection routine is slowly being implemented across all features.
Version 5.003.131
Added functionality to the Sync allowing a full record count before syncing to reduce the workload.
Added functionality to improve Ribbon stability in regards to loading images efficiently.
Added Security measures for connectivity and secure data loading from the server.
Bug Fixes
Version 5.005.004
Fixed - Minor bug fixes.
Version 5.004.160
Fixed - Lead/Customer deletion was unexpectedly not functioning at all.
Fixed - Payment process was looping excessively.
Version 5.004.136
Fixed - Newsletters not sending as the Word Document reference was dropped.
Version 5.004.132
Fixed - Reports could not be viewed as the OK button had lost its code connection.
Version 5.004.130
Fixed - Sync could be manipulated to store the same lookup values twice resulting in a Sync error.
Version 5.004.118
Fixed - User now updates direct from the server.
Version 5.004.116
Fixed - Suspects email run was missing a field in it's query.
Version 5.004.115
Fixed - Newsletter links were missing a vital component in their redirect path.
Fixed - Newsletter Statistics would refrain from loading as the loading query was not correct.
Fixed - Newsletter task bar text would display the wrong total count.
Fixed - Newsletter runs under certain conditions would skip the counter causing the run to go on longer than expected.
Version 5.004.114
Fixed - Sync would add New suspects twice which caused double ups.
Version 5.004.013
Fixed - Sync query prevented some records from syncing to the cloud.
Version 5.004.012
Fixed - Sync contained an irrelevant field causing an issue when matching records.
Version 5.004.011
Fixed - Sync Activities now contain an additional value which can represent a specific Newsletter. These were not passed as strings to the table which caused an error to occur.
Version 5.004.010
Fixed - Suspect requests on some systems would not be saved due to date formats.
Fixed - Expiry Date validation was not displaying prompt to user when credit was low.
Version 5.004.008
Fixed - Suspect requests were not able to be sent out due to a reserved word issue within a query.
Version 5.004.007
Fixed - Some users experienced an error during the balance check at login which was ignorable but irritating.
Fixed - Some users experienced an error during sync at 68% due to incorrect Syntax within a query.
Version 5.004.006
Fixed - LEADS import from excel spread sheet now contains postal address fields.
Fixed - LEADS Sync Was excluding Postal addresses for customers.
Fixed - LEADS Sync Was excluding Postal addresses city ID updates.
Fixed - Some progress bars were missing a reference to a field that caused an error.
Fixed - Account Downgrade was not possible under the new structure.
Version 5.004.005
Fixed - Dashboard loading bar could not identify a missing control causing an error.
Version 5.004.004
Fixed - User login was being interrupted by an attempt to set focus to the password control causing an error.
Version 5.004.003
Fixed - Backwards Compatibility checks had an issue with some table locks during table structure alteration procedures.
Version 5.004.002
Fixed - Sync incorrectly determined that open forms required closing before the sync could proceed.
Fixed - Sync could under certain circumstances prevent the closing of the Sync screen.
Fixed - Sync was skipping updating a non-vital date field for customer records however it was slowing updates overall by not updating this field. Now this field updates to help improve performance.
Version 5.004.001
Fixed - Some new users were experiencing issues logging into an existing company. This was a combination of a fault in a LEADS query as well as the installer skipping over the installation of the SQLServerDriver on windows 7 machines.
Fixed - Some relationships between tables could not be established due to invalid records.
Version 5.003.138
Fixed - Repeat Activity functionality now accurately copies the activity notes.
Fixed - Activity Deletion from the customer screen no longer errors if there are notes attached to the activity.
Fixed - Search results search button icon is too high on it's button.
Fixed - Search Customer Status now displays "Unlikely" and not "Junk Lead".
Fixed - Only Admin users can update their admin levels for other users and not themselves.
Version 5.003.137
Fixed - Sync would stop functioning if certain characters were found in Activity Notes.
Fixed - Sync would duplicate Activity Notes and cause large download spikes.
Fixed - User Preferences were not saving the users preferred login method.
Version 5.003.136
Fixed - Installations of LEADS to separate Windows user accounts other than Admin found issues with incorrect data file connectivity and desktop icons being installed to the Admin account instead of the current User.
Version 5.003.135
Fixed - Windows tool tips occasionally display incorrect image. Bug introduced Version 5.003.131
Fixed - Invalid data remaining in the release caused new installs to not allow users to log into existing Organisation Accounts
Version 5.003.134
Fixed - Windows Balloon Tool Tips that displayed on the Windows task bar occasionally would display an incorrect icon. Bug introduced Version 5.003.131
Version 5.003.133
Activity Notes were not connecting for those who had pre-existing installations of LEADS.
E.U.L.A. agreement had a word document procedure causing issues for some installations.
Sync was stopping at 32% for Customers/Leads that had no phone number.
Installer is now code signed!
Version 5.003.132
Sync Procedure for new users passed lookup values to cloud server but would not return results.
Version 5.003.131
Hourglass was stuck in the on position if the user failed a login attempt.
Fixed a bug found under specific circumstances where an admin user could not add New Users.
Fixed a Newsletter Bug found to resend to the same mailing list once the 'Continue Email' button was pressed.
Fresh installs of LEADS may have encountered a new relationship error message which has now been resolved.
Known Issues
Version 5.004.133
Fixed - New Leads could not add new activities. Only existing Leads with existing activities could add new activities.
Fixed - Splash Screen displays incorrect version number
Version 5.004.009
Fixed - Sync function would not update the Suspect record updated field.
Fixed - Suspects who are promoted would not pull any notes through to the Newly Created Lead Record.
Version 5.003.137 (Discovered)
Fixed - Activity repeat has an error and will cancel it's operation.
Fixed - Activity Deletion from the customer screen can error if there are notes attached to the activity.
Fixed - Search results search button icon is too high on it's button.
Fixed - Search Customer Status displays "Junk Lead" instead of the updated "Unlikely" status.
Fixed - Any user can currently update their own admin levels.
Version 5.003.132
- Importing Customers from the Import spreadsheet can cause errors in the sync procedure when characters from the import include Unicode characters outside of the Ascii 255 range. (A fix is being constructed)
Version 5.003.131
Fixed - Windows tool tips occasionally display incorrect image.
Fixed - The Edit User button found in the backstage can on occasion cause the program to crash.