WHY - should we use LEADS?
To improve your Customer Management for a better Customer experience and to increase your productivity and efficiently target your Sales Teams' efforts. LEADS helps you to sell more, stay better informed about your Clients and improves your Customer relationships.
LEADS is EASY and intuitive! No dedicated Staff are needed to set up, run or maintain LEADS.

HOW - can I get LEADS for me and my Sales Team?
Easy, it's free to Download LEADS NOW! or get it from CNets download.com

What are the New features?
New Graphs provide informative visual insights on many aspects of your Customers and Sales progress
New Activity graphs display your interactions with your Leads
New Edition hopping. Easily upgrade or downgrade your LEADS edition from within the LEADS Application
View an online map of your Customers address
Create Outlook Tasks directly from within LEADS
Campaigns now include additional Lead filters
New Campaign Search feature (LEADS Pro)
Export Your Data to text files or directly to an Excel spreadsheet
Easily Import your Existing Leads and Customers from an Excel spreadsheet -Sample included free with LEADS
New Ribbon Buttons for quick access to your Leads and Clients information
login with Your Email Address

Are there any Upgraded Features?
Dashboard overhaul. Compare this months figures to lasts or this first quarter vs last years first quarter etc.
Campaign overhaul. A cleaner and easier interface
Sync Engine overhaul, streamlined for performance and security
Search Tools now have a new cleaner look and feel

What does LEADS do for me?
LEADS manages Your “Sales Funnel" to help you grow Your Business and gain new Customers.
Use LEADS to identify, track and manage your relationships with existing Customers and Contacts as well as Potential Customers. Avoid making those dreaded cold-calls! Instead be referred to potential Customers by your close associates or centers of influence!
LEADS sales process is partially based on the “Sales Development Program" developed by Sales Impact Group’s Brett Burgess. This program emphasises the "Sales by Referral" technique where other business owners or friends that you are interacting with frequently are able to refer your Business to others and vice versa. This is a proven sales technique designed to get your Business name to where it is needed as opposed to passively advertising and waiting for leads to come to you.

How does LEADS Work?
Sick of making hundreds of cold calls resulting in hang-ups, depression and single digit percentage follow ups? LEADS is different.
- Create a list of "Suspects" or prospects - Companies or individuals that potentially have a need for your product or service.
- Pursue referrals to these "Suspects" via your inner circle of Associates or "Centres of Influence" (COIs). Someone you know must surely know one of your suspects and can refer your business to them. We all know that a close colleague recommendation or referral is highly valuable and can achieve much higher sales figures than cold calling could ever do!
LEADS tracks and manages your Suspect list and substantially automates the task of asking for referrals, freeing time for the actual sales appointments you gain. Additionally LEADS has a full Customer activity tracking and reminder system included. - Once a Referral is made to the Suspect You Contact the "Suspect". By merely contacting the "Suspect" and gaining their details, we convert our "Suspect" to a "Lead". Here we set up a meeting to discuss the needs of the "Lead" and identify Sales opportunities.
- Develop a rapport with your "Lead" and communicate regularly, Creating Activities with reminders, for you to follow up emails / phone calls / site visits etc. This helps to keep You and Your Business fresh in the "Leads" mind and helps to block out competition.>
- Convert your Lead to a Customer by persuading your Lead with a lucrative deal, quality service or product(s). Should you not succeed there is always potential for a sale in the future. Be sure to remind them of your services regularly and set up repeat follow up communication.

What is LEADS Pro?
Offers full enterprise wide sharing of Your LEADS data, plus remote operations with full synchronisation utilising the bullet proof Microsoft Azure Cloud database. This enables your Sales Team to take their Windows laptops and tablets on the road and have full access to all the companies data, while allowing for edits and updates, that can later be synchronised and shared with everyone when back in the office or via any handy wi-fi / Internet connection.

What does LEADS Pro offer?
Full sharing and Cloud Synchronisation of Suspects, Leads, Customers and Company Data for ALL LEADS Pro users.
Robust and Detailed Campaign Creation and assignments.
Informative Campaign Reporting and Graphical Analysis.
Staff Account Preferences to individualise your LEADS Experience.

Great, We need it! Where do We get LEADS?
Just click here to Download your copy of LEADS - LEAD Tracking Software, the solution to ensuring Your Business growth and stability. The Download is Free. (Your ISP data charges may apply).
The LEADS application can be used straight away FREE with some limitations. If you wish move beyond the free LEADS edition then monthly payments per User / Device are required and can be purchased from within the LEADS Application.

How Do I Install New Updates and are they free?
Firstly - for the foreseable future updates to the LEADS for Windows solution will be FREE however the additional features that are potentially included in each update may be at an additional cost depending on their nature.
If you have LEADS installed already and you have an active internet connection then simply open the LEADS application and LEADS will prompt you to install the latest version.
However if this is not the case and there is no prompt or LEADS is not installed then simply download the free Installer for the Latest Version of LEADS here.
Once downloaded, unzip and install.
If LEADS is already installed on your machine and you want the latest version of LEADS then simply download the new version and Install it. No need to un-install the previous version. LEADS will preserve your data and only install the new features.
Important Notice Regarding Uninstallations
Un-installing LEADS WILL remove your data stored within the LEADS database! We strongly recommend you copy or export your data file before un-installing LEADS.

What are the LEADS System Requirements?
- OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1 / 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista.
- Free Hard Drive Space: ~20MB
- Microsoft Access 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 -full version or Free Runtime , (32 bit Access Only)
Note: Office 365 Professional versions already include Access.
(For 64 bit versions of LEADS please contact us for your personalised copy) - MS Word for Newsletter editing and Outlook for sending.

How can I contact the LEADS Developers?
Direct contact with the LEADS developers is accessable via the contact page here